Jane Iredale Magic Mitt™ Product Review
Posted by Kimberly Langford on 6/18/2015 8:46 PM
While visiting my salon recently, I picked up an interesting little makeup remover called the Jane Iredale Magic Mitt™. Now, I wouldn't normally think of forking out $15.00 for a microfiber facial cloth but considering the cost of repeatedly purchasing disposable makeup remover wipes and cleansers, the price seemed justified.
As I read over the packaging materials, I quickly became intrigued by the product's claims to "completely remove makeup and thoroughly cleanse the face using only warm water." How could a cloth possibly remove all traces of makeup without a drop of soap or cleanser? Although I was skeptical, I couldn't resist buying it! I often get asked which makeup removal products are most effective yet gentle on the skin so I thought it would be helpful to review the Magic Mitt and comment on my experience.
So, What is The Jane Iredale Magic Mitt™?
The Magic Mitt is a very soft makeup removal face cloth that is made of specially knitted microfibers that are extremely thin (several times thinner than a strand of human hair) and are able to completely break down oils and other residues on the skin. When warm water is added to the cloth's microfibers, any makeup, dirt and residue present on the skin is instantly broken down and gently exfoliated away. It also prepares the skin for the application of subsequent facial products and skin care device treatments.
How Does It Work?
For the longest time I thought that the only way to get squeaky clean skin was through the use of cleansing products. Boy, was I wrong! Though cleansers do wash away the makeup and oils, they can unfortunately leave the skin feeling stretched, dry and stripped of healthy oils. For acne prone skin this can be a curse because the skin's pores will rebound by producing even more oil to compensate for the dryness. This allows harmful bacteria to propagate, leading to even more breakouts. It's a vicious cycle! The Magic Mitt seems to solve this problem by leaving the skin's pH balance and protective moisture barrier in place while completely removing any makeup residue.
My Magic Mitt Review

The Magic Mitt microfiber facial cloth, along with instruction guide comes in a cute little mesh sachet with a gold bow and retails for $15.00. Upon initial use, I saturated the cloth with warm water only and then squeezed out the excess so that it wasn't dripping. I then held my breath and let the magic unfold... After a few minutes of gentle wiping, the Magic Mitt had completely cleared away my foundation, concealer, blush and lipstick. I tried to be as gentle as possible while cleansing away my heavily applied regular mascara however it did take several passes. Just be cautious as to not 'overdo' the scrubbing around the delicate eye area. It should be noted that the product does not remove waterproof mascara! For waterproof mascara removal I would suggest using a natural oil based formulation or Jane Iredale's Botanical Makeup Remover. Based on my research, this is one of the only products recommended in EWG's Skin Deep Database that is gentle enough and does not contain any ingredients harmful to the skin or body.
After using the Magic Mitt, my skin was left feeling invigorated, completely clean and soft. It is recommended that a gentle cleanser be used to clean the Magic Mitt after each use. I find that a small drop of Dawn dish detergent does a great job at removing all of the residual oil and makeup left on the cloth. I then ring out the cloth and let it air dry. The cloth is designed to last as long as a regular face cloth would - maybe longer with careful use.
- PROS - | - CONS - |
Taking into consideration the cost of repeatedly purchasing makeup remover and/or wipes, this special microfiber facial cloth will pay for itself over time. |
With a suggested retail price of $15.00, the Magic Mitt might be considered somewhat expensive to some.
Thoroughly removes basic makeup and residual oils with ease. It may take a little extra time to gently remove regular mascara that has been heavily applied. | Does not effectively remove WATERPROOF mascara. A natural oil-based product is required for effective removal. Recommendation: Jane Iredale's Botanical Makeup Remover |
Leaves the skin feeling soft and refreshed - not tight and dry. Many cleansers strip the skin of naturally protective barrier oils. The Magic Mitt preserves them. |
It is easy to become overly aggressive when removing eye makeup such as regular mascara around the delicate eye area - be very gentle as this area is sensitive!
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Instructions For Use
- Prior to placing the Magic Mitt over your hand, saturate it with warm water.
- Squeeze out excess water.
- Place hand into Magic Mitt.
- Using gentle circular motions, rub over the skin to begin removing make-up at the forehead.
- Using the same gentle circular motion, remove make-up from the rest of the face.
- Flip the Magic Mitt and use the clean surface area to thoroughly wipe away any excess residue.
- After removing the Magic Mitt from your hand, hand wash using a gentle cleanser to remove dirt and make-up.
- Be sure to rinse thoroughly.
- Ring out the Magic Mitt and hang to dry.
- Magic Mitt dries sterile.